1book bibliotecaUNESCO
2book bibliotecaUNESCO
3book bibliotecaUNESCO
4book bibliotecaUNESCO
5book bibliotecaUNESCO
8by Seminar Workshop on the Evaluation of Training Programs on Conservation of Cultural Movable Objects in Latin America and the Caribbean, Bogota, 1985, UNDP/UNESCO Regional Project on Cultural Heritage and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Instituto Colombiano de Cultura, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Propertybook bibliotecaUNESCO
9by Mayor Mora, AlbertoOther Authors: “...Instituto Colombiano de Cultura...”
Published 1997
Informe de investigación bibliotecaMINCIENCIAS CO -
10by Pinzón, CarlosOther Authors: “...Instituto Colombiano de Cultura...”
Published 1990-09
Informe de investigación bibliotecaMINCIENCIAS CO