1Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae) comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operations Consistency in courtship pattern among populations of medfly (Diptera: Tephritidae) comparisons among wild strains and strains mass reared for sit operationsby Lux, S. A., Munyiri, F. N. autor/a, Vilardi, J. C. autor/a, Liedo Fernández, Pablo Doctor autor 67, Economopoulos, A. autor/a, Hasson, O. autor/a, Quilici, S. autor/a, Gaggl, K. autor/a, Cayol, J. P. autor/a, Rendón Arana, Pedro Alfonso Doctor autor 21216Texto bibliotecaECOSUR