1by The British Broadcasting Corporation, Patrick, Soraya (anchor), Norton, Michael (correspondent), William, David (correspondent), Dejoie, Louis (interviewee), Liberia-Peters, Maria (interviewee)
Published 1990-12-19Recording, oral bibliotecaUWI TT -
2by The British Broadcasting Corporation, Crosskill, Hugh (anchor), Dejoie, Louis (interviewee), Burns, Larry (interviewee), Khan, Sharief (correspondent), Baptiste, Sandra (correspondent), Foulkes, George (interviewee)
Published 1991-10-07Recording, oral bibliotecaUWI TT -
3by The British Broadcasting Corporation, Crosskill, Hugh (anchor), Dejoie, Louis (interviewee), Burns, Larry (interviewee), Khan, Sharief (correspondent), Baptiste, Sandra (correspondent), Foulkes, George (interviewee)
Published 1991-10-07Recording, oral bibliotecaUWI TT -
4by The British Broadcasting Corporation, Whitehorne, Pat (anchor), Dejoie, Louis (interviewee), Caroit, Jean-Michel (correspondent), Malcolm, Devon (interviewee), Christie, Linford (interviewee), Edwards, Andrew (correspondent)
Published 1989-08-07Recording, oral bibliotecaUWI TT -
5by The British Broadcasting Corporation, Crosskill, Hugh (anchor), Dejoie, Louis (interviewee), Baptiste, Sandra (correspondent), Haynes, Richie (interviewee), Pantin, Dennis (interviewee), Castro, Fidel, Martin, Lionel (correspondent), Whitehead, Andy (correspondent)
Published 1990-07-27Recording, oral bibliotecaUWI TT