1Anais e Proceedings de eventos bibliotecaEMBRAPA
2Folhetos bibliotecaEMBRAPA
3Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
4Part of book or chapter of book bibliotecaWUR NL
5by 118720 Sidahmed, A.E., 101212 Onim, J.F.M., 97276 Mukhebi, A.W., 118399 Shavulimo, R.S., 61514 De Boer, A.J., 67846 Fitzhugh, H.A., 99671 Nordblom, T.L., 40742 Ahmed, A.K.H., 106550 Potts, G.R., Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CIID) Ottawa (Canada) Ottawa, Canada, Research Methodology for Livestock on-farm Trials Workshop Aleppo (Siria) 25-28 Mar 1985
Published 1985Texto bibliotecaIICA