12Ponencias de Congresos bibliotecaINFOR CL
14Texto bibliotecaUBA FA
15Article/Letter to editor bibliotecaWUR NL
16Texto bibliotecaUBA
18by te Linde, A.H., Moors, E.J., Droogers, P., Bisselink, B., Becker, G., ter Maat, H.W., Aerts, J.C.J.H.External research report bibliotecaWUR NL
19Secondary logging in natural forests in Central Kalimantan: operational design, production and damage assessment Secondary logging in natural forests in Central Kalimantan: operational design, production and damage assessmentby 52351 Byron, Y. eds., 122382 Supriyatno, N., 47538 Becker, G., 119560 Sist, P., 114548 Sabogal, C., 4365 Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor (Indonesia), 35945 International Workshop Management of Secondary and Logged-Over Forests in Indonesia Bogor (Indonesia) 17-19 Nov 1997
Published 1999bibliotecaIICA -
20by Panigatti, José Luis 10462, Buschiazzo, Daniel Eduardo 27253, Marelli, Hugo J., Gil, Rodolfo C. 5661, Garay, A. 5343, Andriulo, Adrián Enrique 26009, Sasal, C. 12550, Rivero, María L. 11835, Zaccagnini, María E. 15149, Calamari, N. C. 2182, Sagardoy, Marcelo A. 26127, Gomez, H. E. 5824, Montero, Fabio A. 26126, Zoratti, C. 15248, Ríos, María L. 12312, Saluso, Alberto 12425, Paparotti, Osvaldo 10471, Debona, Carlos A. 3779, Bedmar, Francisco 1126, Leaden, María I. 7865, Formento, Norma 5019, Giorda, Laura M. 5714, Distéfano, Silvia Graciela 4005, Trumper, Eduardo V. 14080, Aragón, Jorge R. 511, Gerardo, U 5572, Puricelli, Carlos A. 11267, Echeverria, N. E. 4297, Pelta, Héctor R. 10681, Díaz Zorita, Martín 4244, Grove, J. H. 6120, Andriani, José M. 440, Bacigaluppo, Silvina 26102, Malaspina, Aldo 8545, Melgar, Ricardo 9134, Morrás, H. 9656, Irurtia, Carlos B. 7018, Ibarlucea, C. 6938, Lantin, Michel 7737, Michelena, Roberto O. 9270, Aguilera, Manuel O. 121, Steinaker, Diego F. 13375, Adema, Edgardo 79, Gomez, V. 5829, Babinec, C. 759, Ibarguren, C. 6936, Rucci, Tito E. 12209, Becker, G. F. 1115, Zanotti, N. 15182, Mirassón, H. 9374, Zappa, Mario 15190, Abascal, S. 9, Senigagliesi, Carlos 12819, Culasso, I. 3442, De Carli, R. 3685, Krüger, Hugo Ricardo 26077, Ligier, Héctor D. 8067, Kurtz, Ditmar Bernardo 7605, Quiroga, Alberto R. 11375, Camozzi, María Elena 2238, Eyhérabide, Juan J. 4552, Massoni, Sandra H. 8886, López, Adlih 8390, Duarte, Gustavo Alfredo 4142
Published 2001Texto bibliotecaUNC AR