2article bibliotecaCIRAD FR
3article bibliotecaCIRAD FR
4article bibliotecaCIRAD FR
5by Hénaut, Yann, Corbara, Bruno, Pélozuelo, Laurent, Azémar, Frédéric, Céréghino, Régis, Hérault, Bruno, Déjean, Alainarticle bibliotecaCIRAD FR
7by Déjean, Alain, Azémar, Frédéric, Naskrecki, Piotr, Tindo, Maurice, Rossi, Vivien, Faucher, Christian, Gryta, Hervéarticle bibliotecaCIRAD FR
8by Déjean, Alain, Azémar, Frédéric, Libert, Michel, Compin, Arthur, Hérault, Bruno, Orivel, Jérôme, Bouyer, Thierry, Corbara, Brunoarticle bibliotecaCIRAD FR
10An arboreal spider protects its offspring by diving into the water of tank bromeliads An arboreal spider protects its offspring by diving into the water of tank bromeliadsby Hénaut, Yann Doctor autor 2087, Corbara, Bruno autor 15111, Azémar, Frédéric autor, Céréghino, Régis autor 14802, Dézerald, Olivier autor, Dejean, Alain Doctor autor 14914Texto bibliotecaECOSUR
11A tank bromeliad favors spider presence in a neotropical inundated forest A tank bromeliad favors spider presence in a neotropical inundated forestby Hénaut, Yann Doctor autor 2087, Corbara, Bruno autor 15111, Pélozuelo, Laurent autor/a, Azémar, Frédéric autor, Céréghino, Régis autor 14802, Herault, Bruno autor, Dejean, Alain Doctor autor 14914Texto bibliotecaECOSUR
12Ants impact the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a myrmecophytic tank bromeliad Ants impact the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a myrmecophytic tank bromeliadby Dejean, Alain Doctor autor 14914, Compin, Arthur autor, Leponce, Maurice autor, Azémar, Frédéric autor, Bonhomme, Camille autora, Talaga, Stanislas autor, Pelozuelo, Laurent autor/a, Hénaut, Yann Doctor autor 2087, Corbara, Bruno autor 15111Texto bibliotecaECOSUR