3The effects of handling of FFB on the formation of FFA and the subsequent quality of crude palm oil.by 1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. Agriculture. 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 43431, Abdul Azis, Ariffin. 45388, Tan Yew, Ai. 46763
Published 1990Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
4The effects of handling of FFB on the formation of FFA and the subsequent quality of crude palm oil.by 1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. Agriculture. 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 43431, Abdul Azis, Ariffin. 45388, Tan Yew, Ai. 46763Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA
5by PORIM International Palm Oil Conference. Progress, Prospects Challenges Towards the 21st Century. Chemistry and Technology Septembe 9-14 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 49398., Abdul Azis, Ariffin 45388., Dowrick, Kevin 51057., Hodder, M.H. 51058., Navage, P. 51059.
Published 1993Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
7by PORIM International Palm Oil Conference. Progress, Prospects and Challenges Towards the 21st Century.(Agriculture) September 9-14 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 45394., Abdul Azis, Ariffin 45388., Chen Kin, Woo 45389., Mohamadiah, Banjari 45390., Omar, W. 45391., Rosnah Mat, Soom 45392., Zailan, W. 45393.
Published 1993Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA -
8by PORIM International Palm Oil Conference. Progress, Prospects and Challenges Towards the 21st Century.(Agriculture) September 9-14 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 45394., Abdul Azis, Ariffin 45388., Chen Kin, Woo 45389., Mohamadiah, Banjari 45390., Omar, W. 45391., Rosnah Mat, Soom 45392., Zailan, W. 45393.Texto bibliotecaFEDEPALMA