1The use of natural enemies to control cassava pests in Africa The use of natural enemies to control cassava pests in Africaby 77537 Herren, H.R., 8445 Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, Taipei (Taiwán), 35840 International Seminar The Use of Parasitoids and Predators to Control Agricultural Pests Tsukuba (Japón) 2-7 Oct 1989
Published 1990bibliotecaIICA -
2by 100526 Oduro, K.A., 55732 Caveness, F. eds., 77537 Herren, H.R., 123960 Terry, E.R., Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CIID) Ottawa (Canada) Ottawa, Canada 5221, 12828 International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Ibadan (Nigeria). Africa Branch, 1. Triennial Root Crops Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops Ibadan (Nigeria) 8-12 Set 1980
Published 1981bibliotecaIICA -
3by 100526 Oduro, K.A., 55732 Caveness, F. eds., 77537 Herren, H.R., 123960 Terry, E.R., Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CIID) Ottawa (Canada) Ottawa, Canada 5221, 12828 International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Ibadan (Nigeria). Africa Branch, 1. Triennial Root Crops Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops Ibadan (Nigeria) 8-12 Set 1980
Published 1981bibliotecaIICA -
4by 99056 Neuenschwander, P., 75861 Hammond, W.O.N., 132428 Yaninek, J.S., 76477 Haug, T., 117255 Schulthess, F., 87335 Loehr, B., 127426 Varela, A.M., 76954 Hennessey, R.D., 77537 Herren, H.R., 61806 Degras, L. ed., 11005 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris (Francia), 33915 7. Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops Gosier (Guadalupe) 1-6 Jul 1985
Published 1988bibliotecaIICA