3Threatened birds of the Americas: the ICBP/IUCN red data book Threatened birds of the Americas: the ICBP/IUCN red data bookby 58343 Collar, N,J., 72438 Gonzaga, L.P., 83847 Krabbe, N., 89357 Madroño Nieto, A., 98469 Naranjo, L.G., 103323 Parker III, T.A., 130859 Wege, D.C., 12645 International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge (RU)
Published 1992bibliotecaIICA -
4Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservation Putting biodiversity on the map: priority areas for global conservationby 48905 Bibby, C.J., 58343 Collar, N.J., 59957 Crosby, M.J., 76640 Heath, M.F., 79695 Imboden, Ch., 81404 Johnson, T.H., 87477 Long, A.J., 121503 Stattersfield, A.J., 124175 Thirgood, S.J., 12645 International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge (RU)
Published 1992bibliotecaIICA