Gold Mining and Proto-Urbanization
Central place theory predicts that agglomeration can arise from external shocks. This paper investigates whether gold mining is a catalyst for proto-urbanization in rural Ghana. Using cross-sectional data, the analysis finds that locations within 10 kilometers from gold mines have more night light and proportionally higher employment in industry and services and in the wage sector. Non-farm employment decreases at 20–30 kilometers distance to gold mines. These findings are consistent with agglomeration effects that induce non-farm activities to coalesce in one particular location. This paper finds that, over time, an increase in gold production is associated with more wage employment and apprenticeship, and fewer people employed in private informal enterprises. It also finds that the changes arising from increasing gold production are not reversed when large gold mines shrink. However this pattern cannot be ascribed unambiguously to agglomeration effects, given an increase in informal mining after formal mines decrease output is also observed.
Summary: | Central place theory predicts that
agglomeration can arise from external shocks. This paper
investigates whether gold mining is a catalyst for
proto-urbanization in rural Ghana. Using cross-sectional
data, the analysis finds that locations within 10 kilometers
from gold mines have more night light and proportionally
higher employment in industry and services and in the wage
sector. Non-farm employment decreases at 20–30 kilometers
distance to gold mines. These findings are consistent with
agglomeration effects that induce non-farm activities to
coalesce in one particular location. This paper finds that,
over time, an increase in gold production is associated with
more wage employment and apprenticeship, and fewer people
employed in private informal enterprises. It also finds that
the changes arising from increasing gold production are not
reversed when large gold mines shrink. However this pattern
cannot be ascribed unambiguously to agglomeration effects,
given an increase in informal mining after formal mines
decrease output is also observed. |