EDBM's Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Investment Climate Reforms in Madagascar
To assist the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM) in setting-up such a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, this report defines the goals and impacts and objectives and outcomes of the EDBM interventions, proposes a list of key outcome and impact indicators to monitor the investment climate and its resultant impacts, presents a (draft) comprehensive logical framework (logframe) with the above-mentioned indicators and their potential sources of verifications, presents some of the tools to monitor and evaluate EDBM's success in contributing to PSD and IC reforms through policy advocacy, and discusses some of the key next steps in setting-up EDBM's M&E system. The report is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the M&E framework for EDBM. Section 3 presents a reform tracking matrix to track the reforms facilitated by EDBM and their intended results. Section 4 concludes the report by highlighting some of the key next steps. A draft logframe is presented in Annex 1. Annex 2 provides the terms of reference (ToR) for EDBM's M&E system design. Annex 3 provides the list of stakeholders consulted for this report.
Summary: | To assist the Economic Development Board
of Madagascar (EDBM) in setting-up such a monitoring and
evaluation (M&E) system, this report defines the goals
and impacts and objectives and outcomes of the EDBM
interventions, proposes a list of key outcome and impact
indicators to monitor the investment climate and its
resultant impacts, presents a (draft) comprehensive logical
framework (logframe) with the above-mentioned indicators and
their potential sources of verifications, presents some of
the tools to monitor and evaluate EDBM's success in
contributing to PSD and IC reforms through policy advocacy,
and discusses some of the key next steps in setting-up
EDBM's M&E system. The report is organized as
follows. Section 2 discusses the M&E framework for EDBM.
Section 3 presents a reform tracking matrix to track the
reforms facilitated by EDBM and their intended results.
Section 4 concludes the report by highlighting some of the
key next steps. A draft logframe is presented in Annex 1.
Annex 2 provides the terms of reference (ToR) for
EDBM's M&E system design. Annex 3 provides the list
of stakeholders consulted for this report. |