A strategic framework for adoption and impact studies in the CGIAR Research Program on Wheat (WHEAT)
Farm Mechanization & Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification: inception workshop for activities in Kenya and Tanzania
Assessing drudgery and mapping demand for small mechanisation in Assela and Hawassa of Ethiopia: Farm Mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) Project baseline study of April 22-25, 2014
2WT business model appraisal in FACASI Project areas-Kenya: synthesis report on the adoption and impact of 2WT business models on farm households in Kenya
Financial products for farmers and service providers report: Zimbabwe
Financial products for farmers and service providers report: Tanzania
Financial products to support smallholder mechanization in the FACASI countries of SSA
Financial products for farmers and service providers report: Ethiopia
Market analysis for small mechanization-Zimbabwe
Business management for small scale mechanization: a training program for hire service providers
Gender Dynamics in Seed Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Worldwide Lessons Workshop: report of proceedings of the Multi-stakeholder Technical Workshop
Towards a core approach for cross-sectional farm household survey data collection: a tiered setup for quantifying key farm and livelihood indicators
Landscapes of rural youth opportunity
The intersection of youth access to land, migration and employment opportunities: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
The CGIAR Research Program on Wheat 2021 Annual Report
The CGIAR Research Program on Maize 2021 Annual Report
Agricultural mechanization in Bangladesh – The future: Workshop report
CIMMYT Gender Institutional Monitoring: Report 2019
Report of the CIMMYT external program review panel: April 24-28, 1972
Out scaling climate-smart technologies to smallholder farmers in Malawi, Zambia & Zimbabwe: feasibility study