Editing LAF: Educate, don't defend
Sensibilidad y escenarios de disponibilidad de agua para consumo humano en la microcuenca del río Porrosatí, Heredia, Costa Rica
Diversity of cis-regulatory elements associated with auxin response in Arabidopsis thaliana
A comparison of the embryonic stem cell test and whole embryo culture assay combined with the BeWo placental passage model for predicting the embryotoxicity of azoles
Import vulnerability in the Middle East: effects of the Arab spring on Egyptian wheat trade
SAPP: functional genome annotation and analysis through a semantic framework using FAIR principles
Factors influencing the stay-exit intention of small livestock farmers : Empirical evidence from southern Chile
Bijscholing voor de werkgroepen Diagnose
Grasklaver in vaste bedden : Meer opbrengst en meer winst door vaste rijpaden bij teelt van grasklaver
Peeking at a plant through the holes in the wall - exploring the roles of plasmodesmata
No effect of artificial light of different colors on commuting Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii) in a choice experiment
The whole transcriptome effects of the PPARα agonist fenofibrate on livers of hepatocyte humanized mice
Talig erfgoed in het landschap: geografische namen als landschapshistorische bron
Werkgroep Fusarium : Fusarium in de volle breedte
Corporate social responsibility and operational inefficiency : A dynamic approach
Review of the methodologies used to derive groundwater characteristics for a specific area in The Netherlands
Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ISOBAR)-the Hailuoto 2017 campaign
Verlangen naar regen en de Brexit : Project Newbie: waarmee zijn starters en opvolgers geholpen?
Verspreiding plantenvirussen vereist alertheid
The hupsel brook catchment : Insights from five decades of lowland observations