Implementation completion report on a credit in the amount of SDR11.8 million to the Republic of Guyana for the Secondary School Reform Project
University of Guyana Science and Technology Support Project: Environmental and social manual, Chapter 1 - Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP): Final document
Report and recommendation of the President to the Executive Directors on a proposed loan to Jamaica for an education project
Caribbean youth development: Issues and policy directions
The world bank economic review /
Forestry : Sector Policy Paper
Economic Assessment of Forestry Project Impacts - FAO Forestry Paper 106
Report of the Workshop on Finance, Mining and Sustainability: Exploring Sound Investment Decision Processes - Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development No. 213
Final EU4Environment work plan for 2019-2022: Ukraine
Roadmap for a Sustainable Financial System - Executive Summary
Low-GWP Alternative for Small Rigid PU Foam Enterprises
Scaling up Green Bond Markets for Sustainable Development: A Strategic Guide for the Public Sector to Stimulate Private Sector Market Development for Green Bonds - Consultation Paper
Financing Climate Futures: Rethinking Infrastructure
Why the Global Partnership for Oceans?
Country/Region-Specific Emmission Factors in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Report and recommendation of the President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the Executive Directors on a proposed loan to the Bahamas for a vocational and technical education project
Project paper on a proposed additional financing (credit) in the amount of SDR 1.3 million (US$1.9 million equivalent) to Grenada for the OECS Education Development Project
University of Guyana (UG) Science and Technology Support Project: Indigenous people plan (Vol. 2): Indigenous people's planning framework: Environmental and social manual
Restructuring paper on a project restructuring of Early Childhood Development Project Loan 7554-JM approved by the Board on May 13, 2008 to Jamaica
University of Guyana (UG) Science and Technology Support Project: Indigenous people plan (Vol. 1): Indigenous people's planning framework