1From barcodes to biomes special issues from the 6th international barcode of life conference From barcodes to biomes special issues from the 6th international barcode of life conferenceby Adamowicz, Sarah J. autor/a 13278, Chain, Frédéric J.J. autor/a, Clare, Elizabeth L. autor/a, Deiner, Kristy autor/a, Dincǡ, Vlad autor/a, Elías Gutiérrez, Manuel Doctor autor/a 2041, Hausmann, Axel autor/a 13279, Hogg, Ian D. autor/a 13280, Kekkonen, Mari autor/a, Lijtmaer, Darío A. autor/a, Naaum, Amanda autor/a, Steinke, Dirk autor/a, Valdez Moreno, Martha Doctora autor/a 2050, Van der Bank, Michelle autor/a, Wilson, John-James autor/a, Xu, Jianping autor/aTexto bibliotecaECOSUR